Sahaqah Jariyah

In Islam, there are many acts which can lead to immeasurable reward – both today and in our Hereafter; these acts are commonly referred to as sadaqah jariyah.

Sadaqah jariyah is an act of giving in a way that keeps on giving. For example, if you were to invest in school construction, that school would then go on to provide access to educational needs to those need most as long as it stands – meaning you shall receive an ongoing reward for as long as it stands, too. Sadaqah jariyah differs from Sadaqah in this way, due to the ongoing reward.

There are many different types of sadaqah jariyah one can contribute towards and we have prioritized below five kinds to explore. Hopefully, you will be inspired by these ideas and engage in ongoing charity for the people of today and the future.

We frequently keep saying that children of today are the future of tomorrow, however, it seems that today’s children are living with anxieties overshadowed their future and are exposed to contines displacement from wars, climate change effects, all kinds of harrassments, separation from their parents and of course child labouring. in order to provide a secure future, we must work together to ensure every child’s right to an education is fulfilled. All children are entitled to an education and should be granted the opportunity to acquire the life skills they need to prosper.

Some of our sadaqah jariyah projects

In 2021, the African Resilience and Development Organization (ARDO) undertook a commendable initiative by constructing an Islamic Quranic School in Magalocad Village, Borama District, Awdal region. The provision of education, particularly Quranic education, to children from among IDPs, underprivileged families, and orphanages, represents a truly noble cause.

Foundation June 2021

Under construction July 2021 

Under construction August 2021 

Project Completion November 2021

May Allah bestow abundant blessings upon all those who contributed to and participated in this noble endeavor, as their Sadaqah Jariyah has made this achievement possible. ARDO expresses its deep gratitude as it celebrates the success of the first group of students who completed their Quranic studies on August 15, 2023.